How to choose a 4G router for your business

Posted by SAS on Dec 10, 2018 03:21:00 PM

There are many 4G routers on the market, offering a wide variety of features. You need to make sure that the router provides functionality and flexibility for your solution needed. Here are the main things to consider when you a compare 4G routers for your business.

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Topic 4G


What to do if your circuit has been delayed

Posted by SAS on Apr 3, 2018 11:17:00 AM

We're regularly asked to help when a WAN or internet circuit is about to be delivered but has been delayed at the last minute. In these situations, time is of the essence.

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Topic 4G


30 Questions to ask a prospective 4G WAN Provider

Posted by SAS on Sep 7, 2017 03:41:00 PM

4G WANis a simple concept but it can be complex to set up and run for high performance and reliability. If this is not your area of expertise then it can help to use a Managed Service Provider to do that for you. There are a number of MSPs who offer 4G services, varying widely in their offers and capabilities. To make sure you avoid the pitfalls and get the service you need, here are the thirty...

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Topic 4G


4G WAN: Bonding vs Load Balancing

Posted by SAS on May 29, 2017 03:38:00 PM

Bonding vs Load Balancing There are two approaches to combining multiple SIMs: Bonding and Load Balancing. We generally recommend bonding, but there are scenarios where Load Balancing can be a useful solution. Here is a description of the two approaches.

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Topic 4G


4G WAN: Cost and usage

Posted by SAS on Mar 14, 2017 03:35:00 PM

Managing the cost of 4G WAN Usage and cost are important considerations when designing a 4G WAN connection or choose a Managed Service Provider, especially relating to the SIMs you use to provide your channels. When exploring 4G WAN, it’s important to consider how you will measure usage and control costs accurately. Clearly, it's better for you to address it at the start than your Finance...

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Topic 4G


4G WAN: Design Considerations

Posted by SAS on Mar 1, 2017 03:30:00 PM

We generally recommend using a managed service (such as our Rapid Site Deployment solution) to deploy 4G WAN. That being said, it's always helpful to appreciate some of the design considerations that your service provider will be (or should be) thinking about. If you're interested in a slightly more technical overview to 4G WAN technology, this post is for you!

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