Hybrid working has become embedded in modern work culture. Once limited to a handful of specialist roles that could be performed remotely, it has now become the default for countless businesses, and has cemented itself as the future mode of working for many organisations.

Understanding Backup and Disaster Recovery for Modern Businesses
Business leaders have always sought to protect their organisations from accidents and bad actors. Over the last few decades, however, the protection of physical property is now coupled with the need to keep safe data that only exists digitally. Various solutions for protecting data have emerged almost as quickly as other digital technologies, meaning that it can be hard to keep pace with the...
Topic Backup IT Disaster Recovery

When monitoring IT assets, it’scommon for underutilised or legacy hardware to go unnoticed. Equally, many organisations will look to sweat existing technology to extend value and delay refreshes. While common, these behaviours contribute to a build-up in technical and security debt that could harm your business in the future.
Topic IT cyber security

Data gravity: what is it, and what can you do about it?
As volumes of data grow, so too does the force they exert on the wider IT environment, pulling applications into closer proximity. This is data gravity – our blog explores how businesses can work around it orleverage it to their advantage.

The Benefits of Managed IT Services for UK Businesses
Managed IT services used to be synonymous with cutting costs - not anymore. Businesses across the UK are utilising them to solve problems and gain an edge in their market. Let's dive into why this matters and how FluidOne is making a difference.
Topic Managed Services IT

Azure Stack HCI is changing the face of IT Management
Businesses are increasingly looking to merge on-premises infrastructure seamlessly with the cloud to improve and centralise the management, monitoring and resource capacity of their IT environment, with Azure Stack HCI this vision becomes reality.

Hybrid delivery: Azure Virtual Desktop arrives at a data centre near you!
As the world began to seriously consider remote working in late 2019, Microsoft launched Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), a service designed to enable the virtualisation of Microsoft’s Windows operating system to deliver virtual desktops and applications securely from the cloud.

Cisco Meraki: Redefining Network Management with Cloud-Based Solutions
With its innovative approach and cutting-edge features, Cisco Meraki has redefined the way businesses approach network management, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly connected world.

Why your business should choose an IT Managed Service Provider with national coverage and localised branch support
Having a reliable and efficient IT infrastructure is critical to business success, which means partnering with the right IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) can make all the difference. But what are the benefits to working with a national provider versus a smaller, localised service provider?
Topic Managed Services IT Next Generation Monitoring

Monitoring vs. Observability: Understanding the Crucial Distinctions
As applications grow increasingly complex, spanning multiple services, containers, and distributed architectures, the need for effective oversight and troubleshooting has never been greater. Enter monitoring and observability – two closely related yet distinct concepts that play vital roles in maintaining the health and stability of our systems.
Topic IT Next Generation Monitoring