How To Prevent The Rising Ransomware Attacks On Healthcare Organisations

Posted by James Griffiths on Sep 28, 2022 04:57:25 PM

The number of ransomware attacks has risen sharply in recent years, in every industry, from hospitality firms to the energy sector. Ransomware has the potential to be devastating to any business, ruining their reputation, leaking their secrets, and costing them vast amounts of money, but it’s the healthcare sector that faces the greatest threat, as cyber attacks could leave lives hanging in the...

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Topic malware ransomware cyber security healthcare


Critical Infrastructure Attacks: Considerations for Small-to-Medium Enterprises

Posted by Guest Blogger on Mar 24, 2022 10:28:28 AM

In the UK, Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is defined by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as ‘Those critical elements of Infrastructure (facilities, systems, sites, property, information, people, networks and processes), the loss or compromise of which would result in a major detrimental impact on the availability, delivery or integrity of essential services, leading to severe...

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Topic Cloud cyberattacks ransomware cyber security


Six Tips to Reduce The Risk of a Ransomware Attack

Posted by Dave Woodfine on May 14, 2021 10:20:12 AM

Ransomware is difficult to protect against as the criminals themselves are security experts who carefully review and target their victims. Attackers are becoming increasingly skilled at exploiting vulnerable services and unpatched software, with almost three-quarters of Ransomware attacks managing to successfully encrypt private company data. According to a 2020 survey by Sophos, 51% of...

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Topic Home Office working from home ransomware

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