Christmas has always been a challenging time for all kinds of businesses - not only are there colder temperatures, fewer people in the office, and more pressure to make sales but added threat of cyber attacks and lost internet connections can make it difficult to maintain that Christmas spirit. Don’t lose hope, though - as a market-leading provider of connected cloud solutions, we offer a range...
Topic Christmas Cloud connectivity customer service mobile Unified Communications SD-WAN cyber security

Companies in the financial sector have seen an unprecedented acceleration of digital transformation in recent years. The restrictions of the pandemic and the need to keep one step ahead of the competition have added pressure to financial organisations, and so have the changes in the ways people use financial services.
Topic Cloud Disaster recovery Digital Transformation Finance cyber security

What Type of Mobile Contract Does Your Business Need?
Deciding what mobile contract is best suited to your business can be a tough decision since the market is saturated with options. However, finding a resilient and reliable service provider is not a task that should be taken lightly. Mobility solutions are an ideal means of communication in the agile working environment. As more people are opting to work from home as well as in the office, it’s...
Topic IOT connectivity mobile MobileFlex

Most systems evolve over time, especially when it comes to subscriptions to services such as Microsoft 365 or Azure Active Directory. These often release new updates and features which are rolled out to customers, and can be easily integrated with your systems. Their ease of use makes them more accessible to small-to-medium enterprises - however, if left unchecked, they could result in...
Topic cyber assessment cyber security

Why The Future Of The Metaverse Depends On Its Security
The metaverse has been making headlines recently, with its promises of merging the digital and physical world. It’s something that sci-fi books and films have been promising for decades now, but it’s only in the past few months that people like Mark Zuckerberg have started talking about it, calling it the “successor to the mobile internet.” While it could change the way we interact with each...
Topic Technology AR metaverse cyber security VR

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in recent years - there are almost as many of them connected to the internet as there are people on the planet. In fact, research suggests that by 2025, there’ll be 75 billion IoT devices. However, while they can make life easier and more connected, there are security concerns, particularly in regards to devices that are essential to an...
Topic IOT medical IoMT cyber security

With cyber attacks, ransomware gangs, and phishing scams on the rise all over the world, and more people working remotely, cyber security has become more necessary than ever, and at FluidOne, we’re ready to help, and we’ve partnered with the global SASE leader, Zscaler, to offer its services to its users. Many businesses and organisations are turning to SASE to protect their data, which is one of...
Topic network security cyber security SASE

How Cloud Computing is Revolutionising the Construction Industry
Although cloud computing has been around for a while, it’s only in recent years that we’ve begun to realise its full potential, it’s already had a massive impact on all kinds of sectors, from retail to healthcare. Cloud computing lies at the heart of the digital transformation for many organisations, as it allows them to be more scalable and accessible, increase their cyber security, and much...
Topic IOT cloud computing mobile construction industry cyber security SASE

Getting from A to B: Top 3 Solutions for Transport and Logistics
Recent advances in technology have helped to create an ever more connected world, transforming businesses and even entire industries. In the transport and logistics sector, connected cloud solutions have been a game-changer, and if you’re in the industry, here are the top three ways in which these solutions could help your business.
Topic IOT SD-WAN Transport & Logistics cyber security

Software-defined wide area networks, or SD-WAN, have seen a rapid take up in recent years. The rise in remote working, and working from home, has seen many businesses and organisations turn to SD-WAN to solve their biggest problem - how to reduce the cost and complexity of extending their WAN to remote workers.
Topic SD-WAN 5G connectivity automation