Stay Connected Over Christmas With FluidOne

Posted by Guest Blogger on Dec 19, 2022 04:20:14 PM

Christmas has always been a challenging time for all kinds of businesses - not only are there colder temperatures, fewer people in the office, and more pressure to make sales but added threat of cyber attacks and lost internet connections can make it difficult to maintain that Christmas spirit. Don’t lose hope, though - as a market-leading provider of connected cloud solutions, we offer a range...

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Topic Christmas Cloud connectivity customer service mobile Unified Communications SD-WAN cyber security


Getting from A to B: Top 3 Solutions for Transport and Logistics

Posted by Guest Blogger on Apr 25, 2022 12:29:04 PM

Recent advances in technology have helped to create an ever more connected world, transforming businesses and even entire industries. In the transport and logistics sector, connected cloud solutions have been a game-changer, and if you’re in the industry, here are the top three ways in which these solutions could help your business.

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Topic IOT SD-WAN Transport & Logistics cyber security


SD-WAN Trends And How To Make The Most Of Them

Posted by Guest Blogger on Apr 20, 2022 09:52:50 AM

Software-defined wide area networks, or SD-WAN, have seen a rapid take up in recent years. The rise in remote working, and working from home, has seen many businesses and organisations turn to SD-WAN to solve their biggest problem - how to reduce the cost and complexity of extending their WAN to remote workers.

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Topic SD-WAN 5G connectivity automation


Leading The Future Of Network Security

Posted by Guest Blogger on Mar 15, 2022 12:09:22 PM

Network security, whether in a home or business setting, is absolutely vital. We all know that without some form of security solution our network is at risk of a cyber security breach, which could compromise personal and business data such as financial data, confidential documents, or private client contact information.

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Topic Network 5G SD-WAN cyber security


What is SASE, and Why Do You Need It?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Mar 4, 2022 02:31:09 PM

We’re in the middle of a technological revolution, with more powerful computers processing data faster and better than ever, and machine learning and artificial intelligence making it easier to automate processes and streamline workloads. Cloud computing technologies have made it possible for people to access files both when working from the office and from home. As workforces have shifted to...

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Topic Firewalls Network SD-WAN SASE


Build your SD-WAN on FluidOne

Posted by Nick Shepperd, Head of Product on Jan 16, 2020 11:03:43 AM

SD-WAN is the ultimate buzz word in the market, so we would be surprised if you hadn’t heard of it. Just in case you haven’t, SD-WAN is the next generation of networking services offering a new range of hardware, with configuration and controls hosted in the cloud, bringing new levels of visibility and control to customers and service providers beyond traditional services. All the talk around...

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Topic Business EFM Business EFM Ethernet First Mile adsl2+ SD-WAN SoTAP PSTN SoGEA


How to choose between DIY vs Managed SD WAN

Posted by SAS on Dec 23, 2019 03:53:00 PM

Given that SD WAN promises to make networks simple, people sometimes wonder whether they can move to SD WAN and then manage the network themselves.

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Topic SD-WAN


They said SD WAN was easy! DIY vs Managed SD WAN

Posted by SAS on Dec 23, 2019 02:23:00 PM

They said SD WAN was easy! One of the promises people make about SD WAN is that it will make our lives easier. It will orchestrate the network, choose routes that give the best performance, distribute patches and updates automatically and replace the command line with a graphical interface.

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Topic SD-WAN


SD WAN - Performance Benefits

Posted by SAS on Apr 18, 2019 03:52:00 PM

In this post we discuss how SD WAN brings a number of benefits to theperformance of a WAN. We show how SD WAN can deliver better performance from twin circuits, how it can improve application performance with real time application routing and path conditioning, and how it can allow you to remove Class of Service from your underlying MPLS or VPLS network.

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Topic SD-WAN


SD WAN - In-Life Management Benefits

Posted by SAS on Jan 17, 2019 12:18:00 PM

In this short post we discuss how SD WAN brings a number of benefits to thein-life management of a WAN. We show how SD WAN can reduce the administrative burden of changes and how it can improve application troubleshooting.

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Topic SD-WAN

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