At the start of 2020, I was at odds with having to define what ‘normal’ meant, or indeed what the ‘new normal’ would mean to the UK. In contrast, my colleagues at FluidOne were quick to adopt the new terminology, and have regularly reminded me of my issue to adapt to the new times. There is no doubt that the global pandemic has made it important to consider what we define as normal, especially...
Understanding 8x8, a cloud UC solution available on net on Platform One
Posted by Lee Rossano on Sep 17, 2020 01:18:00 PM
To continually diversify our Platform One offering for our partners, we recently launched an exciting new partnership with 8x8, a cloud UC solution. To ensure you get the most out of this new service we have broken down in detail how this new cloud communications platform can help your customers be number one in their fields.
Topic Home Office remote working Unified Communications working from home 8x8