Practical tips from FluidOne One of the most important things for all of us to do in these troubled times is to make sure that we are looking after our welfare and mental health. The daily news is often depressing, and lockdown rules can feel suffocating. However, it’s not all doom and gloom and it’s important for us all to take some comfort from the positives. We have seen mass singing from...
Keeping employees engaged during a global pandemic - Focusing on the 4 Happy Hormones
Topic connected COVID-19 Coronavirus continuity

By breaking our habits are we breaking technology… …. or is technology finally allowing us to break our work habits?
When I look back on my career there will be events and dates that have significance. The 16th March 2020 was the day we suspended access to the FluidOne office because of the outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK and I’m sure that it will be remembered as the day that changed the way we work forever.
Topic connected COVID-19 Coronavirus continuity

What are the challenges for continuity of work thrown up by Coronavirus and how will they change the way we work in the future?
You will have seen many articles in recent weeks that talk about working from home (WFH) as if it’s a brand new concept, clearly, this is a very different time with extended pressures on technology, but as we and a number of our clients at FluidOne already have systems in place, I wanted to put together a guide that looks at the things your business should be considering, both today and after the...
Topic connected COVID-19 Coronavirus continuity

SD-WAN is the ultimate buzz word in the market, so we would be surprised if you hadn’t heard of it. Just in case you haven’t, SD-WAN is the next generation of networking services offering a new range of hardware, with configuration and controls hosted in the cloud, bringing new levels of visibility and control to customers and service providers beyond traditional services. All the talk around...
Topic Business EFM Business EFM Ethernet First Mile adsl2+ SD-WAN SoTAP PSTN SoGEA

Given that SD WAN promises to make networks simple, people sometimes wonder whether they can move to SD WAN and then manage the network themselves.
Topic SD-WAN

They said SD WAN was easy! One of the promises people make about SD WAN is that it will make our lives easier. It will orchestrate the network, choose routes that give the best performance, distribute patches and updates automatically and replace the command line with a graphical interface.
Topic SD-WAN

Introduction One of the promises made of SD WAN is that it will make our lives easier; it will orchestrate the network, choose routes that give the best performance, distribute patches and updates automatically and replace the command line with a graphical interface.

A brief history of copper and its Endgame!
A few months ago we ran a webinar at FluidOne for customers about a full fibre Britain and what this means for us all. It was a great session with good debate and brilliant Q&A.... For preparation I carried out a great deal of research and as I was trawling through information, I came to appreciate and understand why our industry may be confused around what is going on with the copper network. So...
Topic Business EFM Business EFM Ethernet First Mile Copper copper infrastructure adsl2+ SoTAP PSTN SoGEA

In this post we explore how to identify and resolve issues with application performance over the network. We highlight monitoring tools and triage, and then show how a common scenario of your users complaining of poor performance might be traced. We consider several scenarios in which the same user experience might be traced to an issue with the WAN, LAN or server, application or database.
Topic WAN

How to reduce cloud access costs | Private connection to AWS and Azure
Businesses are increasingly moving their applications to cloud providers such as AWS and Azure. These platforms charge for bandwidth based on metered usage rather than the fixed rate charges associated with Internet and MPLS connections.
Topic Cloud